Friday, July 13, 2012

Mmmm juice...

Ok so I seriously love this juice for breakfast! If you haven't had this combination of fruits then you need to try it :) Unless you don't like grapefruit, I know lots of people have a weird aversion to grapefruit. Anyways, it's 1/2 red delicious apple, 1/2 orange, 1/2 grappefruit and then 4-5 strawberries. I would drink this all day if I could! Unfortunately, I try to keep all my fruit drinks in the morning.

So if you're looking for a delicious, fruity, pick-me-up juice for the mornings, I suggest you try this one :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Juice Revelations

I started out this juicing journey 4 days ago and although I started out with a lofty 60 day goal, I have come to terms with myself that this might have been an unrealistic goal for myself.  I thought that I would be upset with myself for giving up but honestly I don't actually feel like I'm giving up. I feel like I am just re-evaluating my goals and I am pretty happy with where I am going with all this.  I know some of you may think otherwise, and I understand if that's the case, but I have to do whats right for me and nobody else gets a say in that.  After days of having no energy, feeling dizzy, sleeping through the day, and having horrible mood swings, I have decided to modify my juicing so that I am having a breakfast and lunch juice, and then having a light dinner and snacks as well.

I honestly feel so great about my decision and am so excited to be continuing my journey for better health. I actually really love to exercise so not being able to exercise strenuously for 2 months would have broken my spirit. I grew up an athlete and working out seems to fill that competitive drive that I have to have.  I think having 2 snacks and dinner will really allow me to continue with my journey to becoming healthy and the juicing will provide my body with the nutrients it needs!

It's true, I do :)

I am going to continue to blog about my journey and although my results may be slower than I originally planned, I'm not too worried about it. I know I will be getting healthy every day and that is the best part! So I ask for you all to please still support me in my journey. I understand if you can't but I know that each person has to do what's right for themselves and this is me :) I still plan on keeping up with my fellow juicers and encouraging their journey.  I am rooting for everyone!

I also plan on keeping up with my weigh ins, progress pictures, delicious juice AND food recipes, and now workout routines! Thanks for all your support :)

Day 2

 Breakfast juice... 1 apple, 1 orange, 1/2 grapefruit. Yummy but I like it better when I add the strawberries!

Mean Green for lunch! I used spinach in this one since I had a big case in the fridge that was going to go bad soon. I think I like the spinach better than the kale.

This is the Mean Green with kale. It's weird how different the colors are! This one is a much lighter green than the spinach one.  I think I may try getting my kale from somewhere other than Costco cause it doesn't seem to juice very well.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 1

Wow, Day 1 is over and done with! Yay! This has honestly seemed like the longest day of my life and it's only the 1st. Boy am I in for a world of hurt. Everyone says it gets better after the first few days so I am just hoping those days come quickly :) The juices were actually really tasty. I had no problem getting any of them down but I just missed FOOD so much. Anyways, here is a rundown of what I juiced for the day...

I had this delicious juice for breakfast and named it the Utah Sunrise :) It was super delicious and fruity. I don't think I've ever tasted better juice in my life!

I then had the Mean Green for lunch! The cucumbers I bought from Costco were already bad so I didn't get to use those in the juice (yes, I'm taking them back!).  The juice was 10x better than I thought it would be though. I made Spencer try it first to see if he liked it heh. He thought there was too much lemon and I thought there was just enough lemon to hide the overwhelming taste of celery! So overall it was pretty good.

I had the Minty Fresh Berry Juice for dinner. I know you're supposed to do more veggies than fruit but I was having a pretty rough day by now and needed a pick me up! This is not the juice for that! Honestly, I'm going to rename this farty juice, because it seriously smelled like farts. Haha, I sound so immature! Spence and I must be delusional from all the juice cause we laughed for about 10 minutes about how funny it was our juice smelled like fart. Yes, we are 10 years old :) Anyways, it didn't taste too horrible but it was hard to drink when it had such an unpleasant odor.... I also drank lots and lots of water after each juice.

So the juices really aren't bad, honestly they are pretty tasty! But the mental aspect of only drinking juice is the challenging part. My body wasn't hungry but my mind was craving a cheeseburger something fierce.  Food really is an addiction for me.  It's something that can make me happy when I feel sad, it brings people together, and provides you with something to do!  Spence and I always spend so much time thinking about what we're going to eat and then it's almost like an activity when we go get food and eat it, so it was really hard to know that we wouldn't be doing any of that.

I'm hoping these next few days fly by and that as time goes on, each and every hour of the day wont be such a struggle.  I've been having a pretty bad headache for the last half of the day as well and I'm hoping that goes away soon too! I apologize for not being all gung ho about juicing today but it is HARD.  Nothing worth having is ever easy though, so here is to tomorrow being a better day!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The day before the fast

So it's the day before I start my 60 day juice reboot and I am beyond anxious/nervous/scared/excited/etc.  The thought of not chewing anything for 60 days is pretty crazy! I am excited to get started because I know I am going to be so much healthier if I do this but I am nervous because I do not want to fail :( Since the hubby is doing the first 2 weeks with me, I think I have a much better chance of succeeding. We shall see I guess! What's the worst that could happen, I stay a fatty? Haha. That's totally not happening though!

So we started out the day at Costco, piling our cart with fruits and veggies in bulk! I'm pretty sure everyone in the store was looking at us like we were insane. Also, I'm pretty sure they were upset because we were making them feel guilty about those king sized bags of m&m's in their cart hehe :) Our cashier actually asked us if we were juicing and I told her yep! Starting Monday!

Ye olde cart of fruit & veggie goodness!

That's right, I'm so much better than you 
cause my cart is full of healthful goodness :)

We stopped by my favorite sister's house afterwards to grab her sweet Nikon D80 so that all you reading (yeah all 3 of you!) this don't have to deal with iPhone pictures through my whole journey... you're welcome :) As soon as we got home we started snapping pics like crazy, including before and after pics that you don't get to see until after haha. But you do get to see copious amounts of fridge shots, oh yeah!

 It took quite a bit of arranging to fit all our juicing supplies in the fridge!

 That's a good looking fridge ;)

 We have to keep boxes of oranges & grapefruits on the 
counter since there is no room in the fridge

 Spence isn't entirely happy about the pictures lol

I'm ready to take on the juice challenge! 

Well, I'm off to weigh and take measurements of both Spence and I so that we can keep track of our progress throughout the reboot. I'm sure you will want to stick around to see the results :) Check out the About Me page to learn more about us and why we're committed to rebooting our lives, the Juice Recipes page to learn some yummy juice recipes, and the Reboot Your Life page to learn more about juicing and the reboot movement! See ya on Day 1!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Just want to see how all this looks! Looking good in the neighborhood!