Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 1

Wow, Day 1 is over and done with! Yay! This has honestly seemed like the longest day of my life and it's only the 1st. Boy am I in for a world of hurt. Everyone says it gets better after the first few days so I am just hoping those days come quickly :) The juices were actually really tasty. I had no problem getting any of them down but I just missed FOOD so much. Anyways, here is a rundown of what I juiced for the day...

I had this delicious juice for breakfast and named it the Utah Sunrise :) It was super delicious and fruity. I don't think I've ever tasted better juice in my life!

I then had the Mean Green for lunch! The cucumbers I bought from Costco were already bad so I didn't get to use those in the juice (yes, I'm taking them back!).  The juice was 10x better than I thought it would be though. I made Spencer try it first to see if he liked it heh. He thought there was too much lemon and I thought there was just enough lemon to hide the overwhelming taste of celery! So overall it was pretty good.

I had the Minty Fresh Berry Juice for dinner. I know you're supposed to do more veggies than fruit but I was having a pretty rough day by now and needed a pick me up! This is not the juice for that! Honestly, I'm going to rename this farty juice, because it seriously smelled like farts. Haha, I sound so immature! Spence and I must be delusional from all the juice cause we laughed for about 10 minutes about how funny it was our juice smelled like fart. Yes, we are 10 years old :) Anyways, it didn't taste too horrible but it was hard to drink when it had such an unpleasant odor.... I also drank lots and lots of water after each juice.

So the juices really aren't bad, honestly they are pretty tasty! But the mental aspect of only drinking juice is the challenging part. My body wasn't hungry but my mind was craving a cheeseburger something fierce.  Food really is an addiction for me.  It's something that can make me happy when I feel sad, it brings people together, and provides you with something to do!  Spence and I always spend so much time thinking about what we're going to eat and then it's almost like an activity when we go get food and eat it, so it was really hard to know that we wouldn't be doing any of that.

I'm hoping these next few days fly by and that as time goes on, each and every hour of the day wont be such a struggle.  I've been having a pretty bad headache for the last half of the day as well and I'm hoping that goes away soon too! I apologize for not being all gung ho about juicing today but it is HARD.  Nothing worth having is ever easy though, so here is to tomorrow being a better day!


  1. Hang in there, the next few days may be rough but you gotta tough them out. Good luck! I'll be rooting for you.

    1. Thank you! I need all the support I can get :)

  2. sounds like you guys are doing great! and i love that you use ball jars for glasses, i think I'll continue the trend since i won't be drinking sweet tea out of them anymore, lol ! hope day 2 gets easier for you and you lose the head ache! i get migraines so I'm really hoping when i start juicing friday i won't get one, fingers crossed! keep up the good work and the super cure blog!

    1. Thank you :) I love the ball jars cause they keep the juice super fresh with the sealing lids if you need to make some juice ahead of time. Plus it helps when you're drinking out of a super cute cup :) Good luck on your juicing, I know you'll do great!

  3. Just like Joe Cross says, go to bed and sleep it off. :) Drink lots of water, and you'll get use to it. :) If you have a local farmers market I would recommend you getting fruits there. You can get some amazing deals. :) Keep it up and if you need anything I'm here to help ya! :)

    1. Haha thank you! Sleeping it off is definitely a good idea, I took a nap in the middle of the day yesterday just to get through the cravings!
