Sunday, July 8, 2012

The day before the fast

So it's the day before I start my 60 day juice reboot and I am beyond anxious/nervous/scared/excited/etc.  The thought of not chewing anything for 60 days is pretty crazy! I am excited to get started because I know I am going to be so much healthier if I do this but I am nervous because I do not want to fail :( Since the hubby is doing the first 2 weeks with me, I think I have a much better chance of succeeding. We shall see I guess! What's the worst that could happen, I stay a fatty? Haha. That's totally not happening though!

So we started out the day at Costco, piling our cart with fruits and veggies in bulk! I'm pretty sure everyone in the store was looking at us like we were insane. Also, I'm pretty sure they were upset because we were making them feel guilty about those king sized bags of m&m's in their cart hehe :) Our cashier actually asked us if we were juicing and I told her yep! Starting Monday!

Ye olde cart of fruit & veggie goodness!

That's right, I'm so much better than you 
cause my cart is full of healthful goodness :)

We stopped by my favorite sister's house afterwards to grab her sweet Nikon D80 so that all you reading (yeah all 3 of you!) this don't have to deal with iPhone pictures through my whole journey... you're welcome :) As soon as we got home we started snapping pics like crazy, including before and after pics that you don't get to see until after haha. But you do get to see copious amounts of fridge shots, oh yeah!

 It took quite a bit of arranging to fit all our juicing supplies in the fridge!

 That's a good looking fridge ;)

 We have to keep boxes of oranges & grapefruits on the 
counter since there is no room in the fridge

 Spence isn't entirely happy about the pictures lol

I'm ready to take on the juice challenge! 

Well, I'm off to weigh and take measurements of both Spence and I so that we can keep track of our progress throughout the reboot. I'm sure you will want to stick around to see the results :) Check out the About Me page to learn more about us and why we're committed to rebooting our lives, the Juice Recipes page to learn some yummy juice recipes, and the Reboot Your Life page to learn more about juicing and the reboot movement! See ya on Day 1!


  1. This is going to be awesome! Can't wait to read more about your journey! Good luck girlie:):)

  2. Good luck. Please point people my way as the more people I have cheering me on, the more likely I am to stick with it.

  3. Thanks Shannon!

    Juicer Dan: Thanks! I think I will put up the blogs I'm following on my blog so everyone can see!
