Thursday, July 12, 2012

Juice Revelations

I started out this juicing journey 4 days ago and although I started out with a lofty 60 day goal, I have come to terms with myself that this might have been an unrealistic goal for myself.  I thought that I would be upset with myself for giving up but honestly I don't actually feel like I'm giving up. I feel like I am just re-evaluating my goals and I am pretty happy with where I am going with all this.  I know some of you may think otherwise, and I understand if that's the case, but I have to do whats right for me and nobody else gets a say in that.  After days of having no energy, feeling dizzy, sleeping through the day, and having horrible mood swings, I have decided to modify my juicing so that I am having a breakfast and lunch juice, and then having a light dinner and snacks as well.

I honestly feel so great about my decision and am so excited to be continuing my journey for better health. I actually really love to exercise so not being able to exercise strenuously for 2 months would have broken my spirit. I grew up an athlete and working out seems to fill that competitive drive that I have to have.  I think having 2 snacks and dinner will really allow me to continue with my journey to becoming healthy and the juicing will provide my body with the nutrients it needs!

It's true, I do :)

I am going to continue to blog about my journey and although my results may be slower than I originally planned, I'm not too worried about it. I know I will be getting healthy every day and that is the best part! So I ask for you all to please still support me in my journey. I understand if you can't but I know that each person has to do what's right for themselves and this is me :) I still plan on keeping up with my fellow juicers and encouraging their journey.  I am rooting for everyone!

I also plan on keeping up with my weigh ins, progress pictures, delicious juice AND food recipes, and now workout routines! Thanks for all your support :)

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